Saturday, July 20, 2013

Project Life: Week 28

This week was probably my most challenging.  I just couldn't decide how to handle it.  First off... I had a bunch of photos, but I wasn't sure how to break them up.  I ended up separating out all of Alex's camp stuff and made a 2 page camp "insert".  My other challenge this week was that I was at the mercy of other people for a lot of my layout photos.  In addition to Alex being at camp, Clara was in Missouri for the week at my mom and dad's house.  Thankfully she took a bunch of photos and my dad took some as well.

Here are my week 28 pages...
Template by Amy Jaz Designs
Title Card - hey daddio by Emily Merritt
This Rocks card - ahoy by Emily Merritt
journal card - hashtags #1 by Emily Merritt
4x6 photo collages by Designs by Lili
Template by Amy Jaz Designs
4x6 photo collages by Designs by Lili
Cards - hey daddio by Emily Merritt
Journal card - this week cards by Emily Merritt
Template by Amy Jaz Designs
4x6 photo collage by Designs by Lili
striped paper - free by Emily Merritt
journal card - hello lucky by Amy Jaz Designs
frame 3x4 - make today amazing by Emily Merritt
Template by Amy Jaz Designs
4x6 photo collages by Designs by Lili
wow card - make today amazing by Emily Merritt

I'm very lucky on the camp specific stuff... Kanakuk offered several things for download (I just recolored a bit on some).

Friday, July 19, 2013

Project Life: Week 27

Having trouble keeping up with the posting this summer!  Our schedule changes every single week and I've lost my routine that I had during the school year!

I have decided to split my PL 2013 book in half since I was going to go over the page limit if I tried to put it all in one book.  Apparently that has given me free rein to add extra pages :-)  Week 27 is a four page spread now, and so is week 28.  Week 29 will be normal, but I have a feeling week 30 will be another double!  If I'm not careful, I'm going to go over the page limit with just half a year! I haven't sent the first half to print yet, because I still have to put together my cover and title page.  I'm hoping to have time to work on those over the next few weeks.  I'm anxious to see the first half of the year in print, but it'll probably end up being done after school is back in session.

Here are my week 27 pages...
Template - Amy Jaz Designs
Title card - Titled Templates by Amy Jaz Designs
3x4 photo templates by Designs by Lili
4x6 photo collages by Designs by Lili
cards - hey there by Emily Merritt
Swim like a fish - summer play by Emily Merritt
Template - Amy Jaz Designs
4x6 photo collages - Designs by Lili
anchor card - ahoy by Emily Merritt
frame - hey there by Emily Merritt
journal card - hashtags #3 by Emily Merritt
Adventure - summer play by Emily Merritt
Template - Amy Jaz Designs
3x4 photo collages - Designs by Lili
4x6 photo collages - Designs by Lili
Title Template - Titled Templates by Amy Jaz Designs
Paper on title card and other cards - free by Emily Merritt
Template - Amy Jaz Designs
4x6 photo collages - Designs by Lili
Cards - free by Emily Merritt

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

our 2012 bearski book...

... has arrived!!!  And I'm totally in love with it.  I had a lot of anxiety around this book.  With my 2011, I just used one of the book templates on Shutterfly.  This year I decided to go on my own, and use the blank book for digital scrapbooking that they offer.  From doing project life, I have fallen in love with pocket scrapping and decided to do this book that way.  I started posting pages here on the blog, but I got behind with posting and got on a roll with scrapping, so they're not all on here. 

I had two big stresses when completing this book:

1.  Would I lose things around the edges when printed.
2.  What in the world would I do for a cover.

 Well... for the cover, I used one of Emily Merritt's page templates...
As you can see... I did lose a tiny bit of stuff on the left and right edges, but not enough that it bothers me.  The cover portion of the 12x12 book is not quite 12x12, so keep that in mind when designing your cover.  Other than the tiny bit I lost... I couldn't be more pleased with the cover and how it printed!

I'm also totally thrilled with how the pages inside printed as well.  I used a variety of different templates from The Lilypad and not a single one got cut off when printed.  You can see though, from the samples below... that some templates printed closer to the edge than others, but again, none of them got cut off (and I made no adjustments to the templates)...

The quality of the photo printing is wonderful!  Above you can see some Instagram photos and below the smaller photos were all taken with my iphone.  They all printed really nicely.

Everything below was pretty much taken with my big camera....

... and I'm thrilled with how those came out as well.

This was my test run for my project life photo book I've been working on.  If I had problems with this book, I was considering going the route of printing individual pages and putting them in an album.  But I couldn't be happier with how things turned out!  I'm excited to print my project life book now!  My only beef is the page limit on Shutterfly.  I'm going to have to break my project life book into two parts now, since I'm going to be just over the 110 page limit.  Oh well... on the bright side, that means I'll get to see half my year of pages printed in the next few weeks!!

Monday, July 08, 2013

Project Life: Weeks 25 and 26

Yikes!  I didn't realize that I didn't get week 25 posted before we left on our trip!  Things were a little crazy that week with getting ready to go.  I'm late in posting week 26 as well... but I just finished it yesterday.  I didn't get all of my laptop stuff figured out before we left so I could scrap at Bearski.  Went to Best Buy yesterday, so now I think I have everything I need.  Now just to finish the set up before we go again.  I'm just so afraid that if I ever get behind, I'll give up.  So far, so good though!

Week 25...
Template - Amy Jaz Designs
4x6 photo collages by Designs by Lili
Grey card - hey there by Emily Merritt
I love summer card - Sweet Summer by Emily Merritt
All other cards - Hey Daddio by Emily Merritt and Splendid Finns
Template - Amy Jaz Designs
4x6 photo collages by Designs by Lili
3x4 photo template by Designs by Lili
Hey card - hey there by Emily Merritt
You are here card - Sweet Summer by Emily Merritt
moments captured card - hashtags #1 by Emily Merritt
Black patterned paper - corn maze by Emily Merritt
Week 26...

Now I'm off to start week 27!!!