Wednesday, April 01, 2009

catching up

Okay... now that all of the Cancun photos are up.... I can get back to what's going on here. Which, honestly, isn't all that much. :-)

The Sunday after we got back, the kids went to the birthday party of a friend. It was a very cute party where they "made" teddy bears.

Here's Clara stuffing her bear....
and Alex stuffing his....
After that it was just getting back into the swing of our activities and school. This was tougher than it should have been since I was sick and I passed it on to Clara at the end of the week.

One afternoon they decided to get out a clay kit Clara had gotten for her birthday and made me a get well cake...
Isn't it cute? I thought they did a really good job.... even if I did find clay on the dog later.

While she was standing by the window, I took a quick snap of Clara...
Look how long her hair is getting! She can actually get it ALL in pigtails now. She's letting it grow through her recitals this spring. After that she's going to make a decision on whether or not to cut it off again.

Let's see... what else. Alex had his evaluation for a swim stroke clinic on Saturday. He really enjoyed it and can't wait to start the week after next. Speaking of swim, Clara got moved up a level in swim again (which I'm having a hard time believing to tell the truth) and Alex is staying at his same level. This is his first time to not get moved up but he's okay with it.... he's one level away from completing the program so it is understandable that the requirements for passing to the next level would be stricter. I just signed them up for the last spring session. Clara is still swimming one day a week and Alex will just take lessons one day instead of two. He's going to be doing two stroke clinics that take him up to when he leaves for camp and he'll miss the last of the classes due to being at camp. We decided one lesson day would be enough and it will keep him swimming with his friend from class.

Well... I need to get going... hopefully I take some more photos soon!

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