Monday, March 19, 2012

I've gotten very lazy....

... about getting out my big camera lately... so it's phone photos again!

We had a pretty low key weekend. Alex didn't have rehearsal on Saturday, but Clara did have ballet. After ballet, she went straight to a slumber party for her school bff's birthday. It was a beautiful day... which meant that the St. Patrick's Day partiers were out in full force... they were EVERYwhere and wild. Our neighborhood was like a college campus on the day of the big game. We holed up inside our house and kept out of it all.

Jeff had his one green beer to celebrate the day...
We watched a lot of basketball. I made corned beef, cabbage and homemade rye bread for our dinner. And then afterward, the three of us settled in to finally watch Hugo. What an amazing movie! Loved it! I was afraid that I wouldn't like it after loving the book so much, but it was really, really well done.

On Sunday Clara needed to be picked up at time that made it difficult for us to get her and go to church, so we didn't go this week. We went out to brunch. We thought brunch would be easy since the whole city seemed to be out partying Saturday night... we thought that they would all be sleeping in. Well... apparently not. Every place we went to was PACKED. So we ended up at our old stand-by and Alex again got the Pancake Extravaganza... While on the way to pick up Clara, Alex got a call from his friend, inviting him to go along with his family to the Museum of Science and Industry. Thankfully they weren't planning on going until later, since Alex had rehearsal that afternoon. We picked up Clara, took her to Broadway Jazz and dropped off Alex at rehearsal. I did a little shopping. Wouldn't it figure, that now that I finally got around to purchasing Alex jeans that actually fit, we would go straight to shorts weather and discover that he has no shorts that fit!! Oh well... he has two pairs now and I'll shop some more over spring break. I looked for shorts for Clara, but she really needs to be with me to try them on. I did manage to find two cute polos on clearance, that she can wear for golf camp this summer.

After rehearsal, Alex went straight to the MSI with his friend. They were going to a members event to tour the new Mythbusters exhibit. Alex was soooooo excited!!! He absolutely loves Mythbusters! He came back talking non-stop about it... he thought it was really cool!

We grilled out dinner and tried something new based on a burger Alex and I shared last week. Jeff made burgers topped with grilled pineapple and guacamole.... YUM!

Clara and her friends are auditioning for the school talent show today. I don't have too high of hopes this year. Last year she did a ballet piece choreographed by her ballet teacher... this year she's doing a hip hop number choreographed by three fourth graders at a slumber party and during recess. Should be interesting!

Here's her special audition outfit she picked out for today...
Oh... she finally agreed to do Cubs Care Baseball this spring. It's not so much that I want her to play baseball, but more that Alex is doing it and otherwise, she's sitting with me making me crazy :-) Plus, I really think she would enjoy it once she got in there. It's the same instructor that she has for basketball and she really likes him. I just randomly checked the park district website last night and there were still openings, so I asked her again and she agreed! She loves dance, but she's really getting into sports too (basketball is currently the favorite sport).

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