Saturday, March 03, 2012

more from the phone...

I should have taken my big camera this morning... but it was just way too early for me to get my act together. Clara had her solo festival this morning. Her time was 8:00am. She was supposed to get there at least half an hour early. So, we were trying to leave the house around 7:00am. Getting my camera together, just wasn't going to happen :-)

Here are some photos of Clara warming up in the gymnasium before her performance time...

It probably wasn't a bad thing that I didn't bring my big camera, since there weren't many photo ops. She asked that we not come in while she performed and I probably wouldn't have taken any photos anyway since I wouldn't have wanted to rattle her any while she performed for the judge.

I am soooo proud of the girl!!! She really pulled it all together! She received a I rating (the top rating) and earned a gold medal this morning!! Congratulations Clara!!


  1. Well done Clara!

  2. Thanks Kez! She really pulled it together this time! A week ago I was threatening to make her pay me back for the entrance fee since she hadn't been practicing... what a difference a week makes :-)

  3. congrats! I love teh flute and played for a number of years. Your phone takes pretty decent photos.
