Monday, June 08, 2009

so far behind...

Wow... I don't even know where to begin. Since I last blogged.... Alex got a major haircut, Clara had a recital, we dropped off Alex at the bus to camp (he's gone for 25 days), Clara and I had a girl day of haircuts and pedicures and my friend from high school and her daughter came and stayed with us for 4 days! Whew!

Anyway... I start with recital photos since they're edited and ready to go.

Before we left for the recital, Clara and I went out front and took a few photos in her costumes.

Here's her costume for the "bird dance".....

And her costume for the "umbrella dance".... (imagine that she's holding a parasol in her right hand)....
Once we got to the theater, they had a brief stage rehearsal with their teacher....

Then it was showtime!

Here is the "umbrella dance", which I think was offiically called "Sunny Day"....

Next Clara was in a dance called "Happy Day", but she was on the second row for that dance and I didn't get any clear shots of her.

Here is one from the "bird dance", which I think may have been called "Kingdom of Birds" or something like that....
She had a great time performing and would have loved to have basked in the spotlight a bit longer but we had to get to St. Louis that night in order to have Alex on the bus to camp first thing the next morning. We made it without a hitch but it was a LONG day! :-)

I have a bunch more photos to post so hopefully I'll get them up before we leave to take Clara to camp!

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