Sunday, December 20, 2009

21 down, 6 to go

The kids had their last pre-Christmas show today! It was a pretty exciting weekend... not only were they showered with gifts from the other cast members (they have been spoiled rotten by them) but Grandpa and Grandma Michigan came in and saw the show....

It was fun for the kids to have family in the crowd. After the show, we took a few photos with "Santa" (aka Jim). Also since we've been so busy and not been able to go see Santa this year, Clara and Alex shared their Christmas wishes with Jim since he's acting as Santa's helper this year.

Here's Jim reacting to Clara's request for an iPod...
and Jim listening to Alex's overly detailed description of Lego Mindstorms...
See.... I did take some photos!! Although my December photo total is only up to 5 I think now. Well, it's at least five more than I had taken on Friday!

It's late and I'm tired, so I'm heading to bed! Hopefully there will be more photos to come this week!

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