Monday, August 01, 2011


It's always something, isn't it?

My latest issue is that in the process of relocating my computer, I have misplaced my cord that connects my point and shoot camera to my computer. I do have a card reader, but I got some fancy type of card for this new point and shoot and my old card reader doesn't know what to do with it. So, we'll have to wait just a little longer to see the photos of when we went to pick the girls up from camp. I normally would have taken my big camera, but it was absolutely POURING when we were leaving and I just didn't want to deal with trying to keep it dry. I settled on bringing my little camera and, of course, the skies cleared and the sun came out by the time we got to camp.

To fill space while I'm stalling, here's a little video of Clara's crazy dog. Jeff and I gave her a bath while the kids were gone to camp. There are two things that Mango dislikes most in this world... being clean and wet... dry and stinky is her preferred way to be!

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