Thursday, April 28, 2016

Project Life 2016: Week 4

On to week 4... everyone was healthy this week!

Healthy and very busy with lots of performances...

Template - Pocket Template Maker by Mommyish
Alpha - January 2016 Storyteller by Just Jaimee
Storyteller 2016 Calendar Card by Just Jaimee
Everything else - February 2016 Storyteller by Just Jaimee

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Project Life 2016: Week 3

Clara had had a great school year up until this point with not being sick or injured.  This was our first big ordeal.  Clara started throwing up in the middle of the night, and since she had complained of a sore throat the day before, I assumed strep.  Made an appointment to see the doctor first thing in the morning and had no clue that we would be sent straight to the ER (not strep).  Her heart rate was way too high and they needed to get it down (assumption was that it was due to dehydration).  We spent the day in the ER getting her rehydrated, which would have gone much smoother if it hadn't taken 5 tries and an ultrasound machine to finally get a vein for the IV.

Here's our week 3...

Template - Pocket Template Maker by Mommyish
Highlights word art - Year in Review by Just Jaimee and Mommyish
Storyteller 2016 Calendar Card by Just Jaimee
Everything else - February 2016 Storyteller by Just Jaimee

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Project Life 2016: Week 2

I'm not sure why, but this year has been a struggle.  Both with keeping up with project life and with posting here.  I just listed out all of the layouts/spreads I have to post and I do have 22 to post... sounds like a lot, but I'm still behind (and I don't even want to think about the fact that I haven't finished 2015 yet).  BUT, the good news is that I'm loving my PL plan this year, I really like the way it looks.  I just think that being behind is what's weighing on me.  Once I get closer to caught up (and maybe finishing up 2015), my motivation levels will change.  I think my issue is that the more I document, the more I want to document.  I want EVERYTHING scrapped and in books, it makes it hard to stay focused sometimes.

So today I'm going to spend a little time getting some blog posts done!  Here's week 2....

Template - Pocket Template Maker by Mommyish
Calendar - Storyteller 2016 3x4 Month Calendar by Just Jaimee
Everything else - February 2016 Storyteller by Just Jaimee