... between breaking out of my comfort zone with taking pics in Clara's bedroom and our monthly photography playdate! I can't believe how many I've taken lately. I've been using my 50mm 1.8 lens alot again lately. It gave me fits yesterday with focusing, I'm not sure if its dying or if I'm just out of practice. I'm not quite sure which one I'm hoping for... I would like for it to be the lens so its not me... but that means buying a new lens. If its me and not the lens... I won't need to buy a new one but it means I have a lot of work to do. Ugh! So here's a few from Clara's room and our "urban" playdate yesterday....

Love these pictures!!! Not sure which choice to hope for when it comes to your lens (but I'd have to say it a lens problem as I have seen your work and could NEVER believe it was you!! ;) )