Friday, July 03, 2009

Happy 3rd of July!

Sigh... yesterday we found out that our dear friends, neighbors and alley playmates are moving. We're trying not to be sad about it but instead we're focusing on having fun with them while they're still here. So today the kids all decorated their bikes with supplies that their friends' grandmother had brought with her.

Here's Jeff helping Clara decorate her bike....
(I was helping Alex by holding his bike with one hand while taking photos with the other)

Then we switched and I helped Clara....
Lovely, huh? You know what... it's really hard to tie streamers into a bow.

Here's Jeff helping Alex decorate his bike...

Once their bikes were done, they decided that they needed fancy 4th of July names.

Here's Clara aka The Sparkler....

And Alex.... aka The Bottle Rocket...

They even got out the ramp for a bit....

It was a good day out in the alley!

I was inside part of the time, trying to make some sense out of the chaos that is the room that will someday be my office. I'm beginning to freak out a bit as it's about time to place my homeschool orders for next year and I have got to have somewhere to put all of the stuff! I made progress though so I'm feeling pretty good (at the moment).

Okay.... I'm off to bed!


1 comment:

  1. the streamers in the wind look cool. Sorry about your neighbors moving, it's hard to loose folks that you're comfortable with and actually like.
