Isn't it funny how some of life's simplest moments are some of life's best? Last night was a really nice night. With Jeff out of town and Alex at a playdate, I grilled out burgers for dinner for Clara and me. After dinner Clara asked if she could go back outside on the deck to sketch. I said yes and she sketched while I cleaned up the kitchen. She looked so content outside that I decided to go down and get my book so I could join her. However, once I got back with my book she was inside and "done". I told her that I was planning to hang out with her outside to read.... so she quickly ran to find a book and we went back outside (Friday came too). We weren't out there long before Alex came home from his playdate, so I went inside to heat up his dinner. He decided to join us outside to have his dinner.....

Clara decided that a yogurt sounded good too, so she grabbed one and came back outside...

After her yogurt, she decided to settle back in with her book, but Alex kept telling stories about his playdate that made her laugh...

In all of our rearranging we have going on here, she found a volume of one of those treasury of children's books book (did that make sense?)....

So many of those books we own or had gotten from the library... it's funny to see which ones they remember and which ones they don't... and which ones they enjoy now compared to when they were little....

When Clara found one she particularly liked, she would pass the book to Alex (who at this moment was preoccupied by a lightening bug flying by)...

We had such a great evening together. We stayed out there reading until I got too dark to see.
We'll have to do this more often!
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