Wednesday, December 06, 2006


We forgot the tooth fairy! Alex lost his 4th tooth yesterday and put it out for the tooth fairy before he went to bed. I completely forgot about it until I was in the shower this morning. He was already up when I got out but Jeff said that he hadn't mentioned anything yet... so maybe he forgot to check. So, Jeff had him and Clara *help* him change the lightbulb in Clara's room so I could sneak in and make the exchange. So far, so good.


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Hey It is Terry, tlmniteowl!
    I was on another blog and saw your link. Just thought I would say hello and that I love your Christmas card. Hope the move is getting easier and that you get all settled soon.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    The tooth fairy didn't come one night at our house. Luckily, the weather was bad (or bad for NC, at least). So, we determined that the tooth fairy must have had trouble getting here in the ice. She came the next night. Whew!
    :) Donna
