Sunday, August 19, 2012

we're back!!!

We're finally home from our summer away!  I'm a little sad about it, but Alex starts school tomorrow, so it was time.  Clara doesn't start school for another two weeks, so she's not back yet.  Anyway... we may be back, but you're going to be seeing summer photos for quite a while since I have a serious backlog - including camp photos, which I haven't forgotten about (yet) Tracy :-).

Let's see, these were from about a week and a half ago (see... so far behind!).

Clara swinging in Totem Park....

While Alex played paintball again...

He loves paintball, but this round wasn't as fun as the first time he played.  The first time he played with four 15/16 year old boys and they were very bold!  They had strategies and weren't afraid to get hit.  They also purchased an extra 1000 paintballs, so they just kept playing.  Alex ended up getting nailed about 5 or so times and had nice bruises to show for it!  This time he played with two boys about his age.  One was very afraid of getting hit and hid most of the time.  The older one was a little older and a little bolder, but ran out of paintballs and was out of the game early.  Alex didn't end up getting hit once this game.  He said that was nice, but he preferred the intensity of playing with the older boys.

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