Tuesday, April 03, 2007

quick post and then off to bed

I'm really not sure what happened to today! The morning started with a couple of "bumps" that threw me off all day. First of all... before I was even fully awake I scared the *bleep* out of myself. See... every week we get our groceries delivered by Peapod and the kind folks there always wrap our eggs in the bubble wrap with the great big bubbles. I always give it to the kids and forget about it... well apparently so had they. They had left it by the island in the kitchen and as I rounded the corner (in the dark) I stepped directly on a mostly unpopped square of bubble wrap. I cannot even guess how high I jumped!

Then... I have been wondering why Netflix hadn't received one of the movies I had recently sent back (Leap Frog Storybook Factory or something like that). Well, now I know why. I was getting ready to put in our copy of Leap Frog Letter Factory for Clara and guess what I found when I openned the case...... yep.... Netflix's copy of Storybook Factory! I had returned OUR Letter Factory by mistake! According to their website they won't return personal DVDs so it's gone... which makes me sad since I had planned on using it quite a bit with Clara since she's having trouble with her letter sounds (the girl is a sight reader and I'm having trouble interesting her in phonics... sigh). I had just reported Storybook Factory as "lost in the mail" so we already have our next movie in the queue. Apparently it wasn't lost... I've just mentally "lost it".

I spent a big chunk of my non-schooling day working on next year's curriculum again. I'm getting a little nutso about it so I need to place my orders soon and just be done with it. I also need to stop reading homeschool forums (but I know I won't) because every time I turn around I find some cool new item that sounds fun.... or some concept I hadn't considered (like today I read a post about people doing two math curriculums... hadn't occurred to me to do that or even that there was a reason to... now I'm obsessed about it even though we love our math... sigh).

I still haven't worked on my pics from Missouri... but going with the animal theme I have going... here's another one of Friday. Yes, her tongue is that long... although it usually doesn't hang out like that except after chasing a tennis ball for much longer than her 10 year old body should. She would be so stiff at night that she could barely walk but she would still want to play fetch with her ball. Oh... and Meg... not a wide angle shot I'm afraid. I actually took it with my 85 mm.... I played with my new wide angle some, but not any good ones of Friday.

Okay... that ended up not being so quick... but I am off to bed.



  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Thanks for sharing Tracie .. make sure there isn't any bubble wrap layin around!! LOL :o)
    I love your pic .. what a cute puppy!!

  2. Don't you hate days like this? I think the bubble wrap would have done me it LOL, I'd of thought someone was shooting at me and I don't live in a bad part of town ;)
    That sucks about letter factory, seems like they could return it to you- darn it!

  3. Anonymous9:12 PM

    LOL! I had a picture of you with a 10mm lens right up next to Friday so the tongue was all big and the head looked miles away!(yes I know bizarre imagination).Sounds like you do a brilliant job with the home schooling to me. I did NZ correspondence school with the kids last year, I nearly went insane!
