Thursday, April 12, 2007


I have a feeling I'm going to ramble yet again today... so, you've been warned! LOL!

First of all... I really am snapping out of it... so thank you all so much for your kind comments and sticking with me through my recent whinings/whingings (that's for you Meg!). I've been on a roll and completed my second layout in two days...

details here

Those pics are from our recent trip to Silver Dollar City while we were in MO visiting my parents over Spring Break. You would think the kids would get tired of going... since we go three to four times each year... but they don't... they love every minute of it.

I'm a pretty brave city girl most of the time, but tonight just was almost more than I could take. Apparently someone plowed into the traffic light at the intersection by our house last night between when we left for chess and ballet and before we got home from class. No biggie, it doesn't really effect me since I don't drive, right? Well, tonight Jeff had a late dinner meeting so I got the pleasure of walking the dog... that was when I realized that whatever happened with the traffic light at the corner DID effect me... ALL of the street lights on our block were out. Walking around a city street in the darkness is a little unsettling. I could hear people talking that I couldn't see... car doors would shut, etc. I was beginning to get a bit jumpy. Thankfully Friday did her business quickly and we were back in the house.

I'm so excited! In the mail today I got the Everest IMAX movie from Netflix! I'm trying to get done with Into Thin Air soon so we can all watch it... and I do mean all. Can you believe that while Jeff and I were reading that book, Alex's homeschool history/social studies was covering mountains and even had a section on Everest?? It should be interesting to watch since the IMAX team was on Everest while the events chronicled in Into Thin Air were taking place. I seriously cannot put this book down and I'm usually not a HUGE non-fiction fan. Thanks for the other book suggestions Meg! My husband and I have our own bookclub and each year at Christmas we each pick out 3-5 books and buy two copies... we give them to each other on Christmas Eve and we read the same book at the same time throughout the year. I'm always looking for good additions for our club.

On a sad note... Kurt Vonnegut died yesterday. I was just fascinated by his books. It started my senior year of high school... while on a World War II book reading spree, I came across Slaughterhouse Five at a used book sale. I knew nothing about it... but I was intrigued. After that I collected and read most of his other books. He used to come to Chicago alot to speak when I first moved here, I kept telling myself that "next time" I would go for sure.... but it never happened. Perhaps I should pull out one of his books to read next.

So... on a lighter note... I was reading Jennifer Pebble's blog and saw her list of what Google turned up that she "needed"... so I had to play along. So after googling "Tracie needs"... here's what I found out...

1. to forget about Eric (check... apparently I've already taken care of that one)
2. to gain some weight (check again... I've more than got that taken care of)
3. to be pushed (YES... this is what I've been whining about this week... lol)
4. your help wrapping up the year (if you say so)
5. phone insurance (yeah.. preferably before I dropped it and broke the camera)

Okay... that was fun... but apparently the unsual spelling my first name made my list pretty short. Oh well!

Well... with that... I'm heading to bed!


Oh... Elizabeth... thank you so much for the kind comment and the suggestion... I have to look into something like at as an option!

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