Monday, April 30, 2007

Just a quick post...

... and then I'm off to bed! I know it's early... but today wore me out... plus I have a big day tomorrow!! :-)

First of all... I fell down, yet again today. Are you getting tired of reading about me falling down? Well... I'm getting tired of doing it!! Again, it was the hardwood stairs in our house... but this wasn't truly an act of clumsiness... this time. My left knee buckled, midstep as I was going down the stairs.... so I basically sat down real hard on my right foot which was curled up underneath me (sounds confusing I know... it doensn't really make sense to me and I was there). The top of my foot immediately turned bright red and purple... but it never swelled really and now the red is gone, just leaving some purple at the base of my last three toes. So, I'm thinking I'm okay (plus I had my neighbor who is a nurse take a quick peek and she agrees). We were on our way out the door to go play miniature golf when this happened so I hobbled right on out the door. I tried taking some pics while we were golfing but it got too difficult plus it was harsh mid-day sun. So I took a couple in the park while we waited for our bus home.

look... it's Clara with her mouth open! Such a rare sight ;-)

See... I told you the sun was harsh....

Tomorrow I have my first official photo playdate since moving back to Chicago! I'm so excited!! Hopefully I'll have lots of pics to post tomorrow night!


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