Spirit week continues!
Even without the title up there, could you guess what today is?

Silly hat day, of course! This was purchased for her third (I think) birthday party and for a few years she wore it every year at her party to blow out the candles. Not sure where she found it... probably in her closet... half the house seems to be in her closet. I didn't get the chance to get a photo of her with my big camera, so this cell phone photo will have to do!
After she went to school, I ran home to get ready so I could go back to school to see the talent show!
Clara & Co. waiting to go on...


The whole crew...

And the big finale, with Clara in the middle in the splits...

The performed their dance to Blow by Ke$ha. It was 100% them from beginning to end! They had so much fun up there! I took a ton more photos, but they're all basically just variations of the ones above. I didn't take any video. I had to choose between the two, since Jeff wasn't able to go. Decision was easy once I got there. Clara's friend's dad offered to share his video if I shared photos! Easy enough! Can't wait to see the video!
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