It was a hot one today!!! We went to the beach again first thing this morning, but it was even miserably hot there. We splashed around for a couple of hours before giving up and coming home. After everyone showered and we had lunch, we decided to venture out again and check out the
Lakeview Garden Walk. It was so cool! All of these hidden green oasis's here in the city. Alex enjoyed them so much that he is on a mission to have a garden and be part of the walk next year.
Here he is running the model train in one of the gardens...

The train...

Can you believe that this urn was on display at the World's Fair here in Chicago in 1893??

A couple of fun plantings...

Alex's buddy... he loved his fish... and he thought the fish loved him too... I didn't have the heart to tell him that he probably just thought Alex was going to feed him! :-)

The last garden we went to was shutting down for the day so they gave Alex the balloons they had tied up front to identify that they were part of the garden walk.

I got yelled at shortly after this to "stop taking pictures!!". Most of the gardens has refreshments and Alex had partaken in one too many glasses of lemonade and was making a mad dash for our house (and the bathroom) but I kept getting in front of him with the camera! LOL!
Nothing much else to report... I'm out of here on Tuesday so I'm desperately trying to tie up some loose ends.
Oh... Clara's blood test went perfectly on Friday. They got her on the first stick and she was a brave girl. Results should be in tomorrow!
Okay... I'm off to bed!
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