Monday, September 22, 2008

a day out of doors...

... it was a beautiful first day of fall here. So, at the invitation of a friend, we spent the day at the North Park Village Nature Center here in the city.

I always find it amazing to be in such a "natural" space in the city. The kids love to go there too... although I don't take them there as often as they would like.

Here are a few from today...

Clara and her friend working on their scavenger hunt...
all of the kids working on their scavenger hunts...
posing on the tree....
and, finally, Clara and her friend go in just a "bit" deeper to see what they can find...
(I'm glad I brought her a change of clothes for the three bus trip home)

I have more pics and more details on my homeschooling blog.

The kids were happy and exhausted come bedtime tonight... could you ask for anything better than that? :-)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What kind of a mother lets her girl child walk into a swamp???
