Monday, March 10, 2008

monday... done

whew... I can check another Monday off my list! And today was my last super hectic Monday... now I'm down to just hectic Mondays.... LOL!

See for the past 8 weeks we've been going to the Notebaert Nature Museum every Monday afternoon for a homeschool science class Alex was in (if you want to know more, go here). Then we rushed out the door to make it to cooking and gymnastics (which begin 15 minutes apart and end at the same time... sigh).

Each Monday Clara and I hung out in the museum with another mom from the group and her daughter. It was really, really nice. The girls became really good friends as well.

Here's Clara hanging out in the tunnel...
She was waiting for her friend to get back.

It was a good day until both Alex and Clara decided to mess around after class and we ended up being late to both cooking AND gymnastics.... sigh. Oh well!

Well... I'm off to the couch!


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