Thursday, March 13, 2008

what's wrong with these photos?

besides the fact that Clara's hair looks like the Heat Miser's from The Year without a Santa Claus... LOL!

Hmm... could it be that in the first photo the rope is tangled around her feet and in the second one, although she's doing a fabulous tuck jump, it appears to be ill-timed given that the rope is way over her head at that moment... sigh. Hopefully as warmer days come more often we'll go outside more so she can get some more jump rope practice in... LOL!

We had a beautiful day here (for March in Chicago... I had to qualify that statement). They kids had a good time playing outside, well... until Clara launched a chunk of ice that caught Alex in the head. Then it was all over and before a full scale brawl erupted, we headed back inside for some "independent time" :-)

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice as well so we'll try to get outside again, this time hopefully without the violence... sigh.

I'm off to tuck the kids in and watch Ghost Hunters!


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