So today, to continue with our science theme we have going this week, we broke out Alex's K'nex Simple Machines: Gears kit. The teacher's guide which was written for a classroom said to allow 45 minutes for the model we built today. Well... we spent several hours at it. We (meaning Alex) built a crank fan. We also did all of the variations, using different sized gears and different combinations of gears. We drew pictures of gear trains, labeling the directions that each gear would turn. We learned terms relating to gears and generally just had a great time. To help with presentation skills and recall... the kids did a little mini presentation about gears and what they had learned for Jeff when he got home from work. Alex also did a little Q and A session at the end... LOL!
Once school was done, I sat down and tried to scrap. One layout is posted on the Memory Makers Masters' Blog... and the other is here...

Well... I think that's it and I'm heading to bed!!
Oh... I recorded my first show as host of DiScTalkRadio's Inside the Scrapper's Playhouse last night. Fortunately Deann was there to bail me out as I totally panicked... so we co-hosted (meaning Deann did all the talking LOL) and I'm promising to get it together by next month! :-) (thanks Deann!)
I'm sure you did great, Tracie - I'm definitely going to have to check it out. Love your layout! :)