Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day...

We have a rule about Christmas morning.... they can go to each others' rooms but not before 7:00 and they can't come and get us until 7:30. Well... they followed the rules, but they were up and in and out of the bathroom starting at 5:45. They were just a little excited!

I didn't take many photos of the gift opening frenzy, but here's one of them opening their stocking stuffers...

The one thing Clara asked Santa for this year was a skateboard. And she got her wish...
She was soooo excited about it! And to make it more fun, we also got Alex one as well...
They spent a large chunk of the day yesterday skateboarding in the alley!

I was surprised, but Clara wasn't quite as fearless with it as I had thought she would be...
Alex caught on right away....But several of his school friends have skateboards and he's played around with them after school a little.

Clara was pretty dependent on Jeff for a while...

But then we made the decision to go in for a while and leave her out there to figure it out on her own. And, guess what... she did! She was even doing "jumps" by the end of the night (to be honest, they're not what you could call jumps in the least, but she was pretty proud of them!) :-)

Besides skateboarding, they spent a lot of the day playing with their new games for the wii and the kinect. They got quite the workout from Just Dance!!

Oh... Alex's big Santa gift was a Kindle Fire. Clara had bought one with her birthday money and loved it... so Alex wanted one too. I really think they're neat! I like that they can play their games, but I also like being able to download books from the public library. Since getting hers Clara has been reading even more! She really enjoys being able to pick up a new book from the library whenever she feels like it. And with Alex being such a voracious reader... it will be great for him too!

The skateboards are such a big hit that they've already been out skateboarding with the neighbors today... but now they're all over to play Kinect. Yesterday was a good day for the kids with family and today is a good day with friends!

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