Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas with...

... Grandpa and Grandma Missouri!

My parents came in on the 22nd so we could celebrate Christmas together (and so they could see Clara in the Nutcracker). Thursday was a crazy day... mainly due to the fact that the orthodontist had forgotten to order Clara's new retainer and that wasn't discovered until she was sitting in the chair waiting to have her new retainer fitted (and did I mention that this was 1 hour before her call time at the theater AND we still needed to pick up her friend to take her with us?). We managed to make it to the theater on time (5 minutes early even!), but had to stop back by the orthodontist after the matinee in order to pick up her new temp retainer. Whew!

Friday, my parents went to see Clara in the matinee and came to our place afterward to have our Christmas!

Look at all of those presents under the tree....

See... Alex really did dress like Santa that day for school...:-)

Opening presents...
My dad had gotten a new camera, so he was busy taking lots of photos!

We had a great visit and got lots of great gifts! The kids can't wait to try out their new sleds when (if?) we ever get snow this winter!!

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