Wednesday, August 13, 2008

another layout....

details here

Perhaps I've been posting so many layouts because I haven't picked up my camera in a week. :-)

Our crazy week has been going well. The kids are loving VBS. Our church is doing the Power Lab theme so Alex is totally loving it.

Yesterday Alex had his audition for our church's fall musical. He insisted on auditioning for a major role (it's the story of Exodus and he auditioned for Moses... yikes!). He thought it went well... but he's never auditioned for anything before and the audition was with people he knows well and is comfortable around. There are more auditions tomorrow and then the results will be posted Friday. I'm already working on softening the blow.

Today, instead of going home after dropping the kids off, I went shopping on Michigan Avenue. Let me just tell you... I was over it before it ever really began. And then to top it off Alex wanted to go to the Lego store after lunch so I was back down in the midst of it all again. Alex found a kit he had really wanted on the clearance rack for half off so he was excited.... then he and Clara filled a cup from the "pick a brick" wall. They got some cool stuff.... little lego flowering plants. I'll have to take pics.

I will probably take some photos to post tomorrow... we have an outing planned with friends provided the weather cooperates.

Okay... I'm going to watch more of the Olympics!


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