Sunday, August 26, 2007

good stuff....

See Alex riding his bike? Notice that there are only TWO wheels and no one is holding on to him!
He *finally* did it! The training wheels came off about a year ago while we were still living in Texas, but he fell that first day and didn't want anything else to do with riding a two wheeler. Then we moved to Chicago and cold weather and snow added to his reasons not to try again. He really got interested in it again this summer, because his good friend, our neighbor, rides without training wheels. However, he was embarrassed to admit that he couldn't ride without them so he wouldn't try if his friend was around (and being that he's our neighbor, he was around a lot). Well... today our neighbors headed out of town for a trip, so today became the perfect day to try again.... nearly a year later... but he DID IT!!! He's such a pro now... turning sharp corners, avoiding his very unpredictable sister who was riding her own bike... only occasionally did his crash into a trash can or narrowly miss a telephone pole in the alley.

He had asked for a new bike, since that one had gotten too small. But we had told him that we couldn't go bike shopping until he learned to ride without the training wheels. Looks like we'll be going bike shopping soon!


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