Saturday, May 19, 2007

just a quick post

I promise I'll type more tomorrow, but right now I'm exhausted... AGAIN! Here's the brief run down of our day:

9:00 - Jeff drops Clara and I off at dance for her to get her costume, get pictures taken and have her recital rehersal
9:05 - Jeff drops Alex off at a friend's house for a playdate
9:15 - Jeff picks me up at Clara's dance and we go home
10:30 - A/C repairman is supposed to be here now... but isn't
11:00 - A/C repairman shows up
11:30 - Jeff and I leave to drop off Clara's summer camp registration
12:00 - pick up Clara from dance
12:20 - pick up Alex from playdate and try to find something for lunch
1:30ish - arrive at community garden to work on our gardening plot and do some planting
3:00 - leave garden to go home
3:30 - walk to local burger place to get an ice cream but we're by the park and the kids know it, so...
3:45 - 5:45 - play at the park

Whew!!! Then it was dinner, baths and family game night! I'm soooooo tired... but a good tired! I'll fill in details and other stuff tomorrow!'nite

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