Wednesday, May 09, 2007

slightly nuts

We got a little crazy at the noodle shop at lunch. We had the "garden" (I'm using that term very loosely here) all to ourselves... so we were able to get a little goofy.Trying something a little different with the first one.

Why are their mouths open in all of the shots above????

I tried not to angle this one... it was straighter SOOC but I tried to make it straighter when I cropped it... instead I angled it more... I couldn't get it right, so I left it like this. What in the world is Clara doing in this one??? And, now... what's with the fish faces????
What can I say... she's a nut!
Making wishes! Alex is already wishing for Christmas presents now that his birthday is past. He desperately wants the Lego Cargo Train... so much that he wished for it with this entire bunch so he would have a better chance of getting it.
Clara wished for the splinter in her foot to come out.

We got the house cleaned up today! Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Guys, we need to clean up the house today.
Alex: What do we need to do? (said with a huge sigh while watching tv)
Me: Well, it's 1:30 now, how about at 2:00 we start. I was thinking that we should vacuum and swiffer.
Alex: (jumping up) I want to vacuum!!!
Clara: (jumping up too) I want to Swiffer!!!
Me: Okay... we'll start at 2:00.
Me: (10 minutes later) Ummm.... Alex, what are you doing?
Alex: I'm picking up my stuff so I can vacuum sooner!!

You've just got to love it when kids think this stuff is fun! My goodness... they thought vacuuming and swiffering were some huge treat! Now that I know this, I'll use that as the motivator more often! I may soon have the cleanest floors on the block! LOL!

Okay... I'm signing off to work on my homeschool curriculum order!



  1. Gee, you wanna send them down here? I've got magic erasers and foamy stuff.. hehe..

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    ohhh...I love it when they like to little 3 year old begs to help put up the silverware! And she cleans up her room all the time! Love the pics as usual! I'm taking notes! And I love the angles!

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Tom loves cleaning, and lego! is it a 7 year old boy thing?

    & At the risk of sounding like my gran do you know there's a poultice you can put overnight on a splinter? Mix slightly soft soap- like when its just been in the bath (I've done it with liquid soap, but really its a bit runny) with sugar to make a paste. put as much paste as you can fit under an elastoplast (large) without it glooping out the sides, and stick over where the splinter is. Do before bed so if splinter's in the foot or somewhere the plaster won't drop off too soon. Somehow (i don't know how!) this combination actually draws the splinter out! Like magic... and my kids think its fun (well more fun than me attacking them with a needle to get it out)
