Tuesday, September 12, 2006

for your amusement

So yesterday was my first post at 2peas with my copyright thing on my photos. I get up this morning and the first email I see is from the offending family member I mentioned a couple of days ago... with the photos from 2peas IN their email... complaining about how they can no longer print their own copies anymore with the logo across the picture. For some reason, this amuses me.

Okay... that's it for me for now... I've got to run or we'll be late for preschool yet again!


  1. That's a little mental! LOL!! Wow...I just don't get some people and it's your family, I would think they would be the first to understand. =)

  2. LOL, sorry I had to laugh as I shake my head. Good for you for getting your copyright on it. Can this said family member not read your blog?? Just curious!

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...this made me laugH!!! Serves themselves right for stealing photos!!! You go girl!!!

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    this post totally made me smile! heh! :-)
