Thursday, September 28, 2006

good morning!

I don't usually post in the mornings but I haven't been very good at posting at night lately. Sigh... not doing very good at getting anything accomplished lately! :-)

Alex is taking his math test so I have a minute to post so I thought I would. Hmmm... let's see... there's potential move craziness in the air again. So we should know more in a week or so. I'm actually much more at peace with this potential relo than I was with the last one. I know it seems nuts that I keep posting about potential moves... but I think since Jeff has taken this job that has him out of town Mon-Fri we have really started to crave a situation that would give us a more normal family lifestyle. Unfortunately, the potential for that (with us) is limited where are now. I'll keep you posted.

When I took the CT position at Scrapartist.... part of what I was to help out in the rotation of photo challenges. Well... this week is my week to host the challenge and not ONE soul has participated. So... if you're reading this and like to take pictures, please, please, please (yes, I'm begging) participate in my challenge!! Its not a technical challenge.. its a fun one... a before and after photo challenge. Here are my photos...

I thought about the theme for this challenge after seeing these two consequetive frames when I downloaded them. I took one last shot as Alex ran into the Splash Harbor area at Silver Dollar City last Friday. I didn't follow him because I didn't want my camera wet, so the next frame was from when he emerged. I love the contrast between the two shots and I think they'll make a cool layout (when I get my mojo back of course).

I wish I had some sort of freebie to offer to bribe you all into participating... but I can't for the life of me figure out what I can do that anyone would want! LOL!

Well... Alex is to the part in school where I need to stop typing and actually "teach"! :-)

Who knows... I might post twice today!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I wish I had internet, so I could check out your challenge, sounds soo cool to me! A freebie...gosh you could take someone's pic and photoshop it for them! loll...for me that would be AWESOME! :) I just moved, and somebody goofed, we have NO phone lines in the new development where we built! SUCKS, having no internet, so I'm looking at going wireless. Just had to come to my sisters to read some blogs, it was great to pop in :)

